West Nusa Tenggara is a rich province in term of tourism. Unfortunately, the tourism sector here has not been developed well. However, that doesn’t stop tourists and travelers to explore this archipelagic province. Moyo Island to the north of Sumbawa Island is one of the few popular destinations.

Moyo Island is located to the north of Sumbawa Besar and to the east of Pekat. This relatively small island has so many wonderful spots to visit, one of them is Mata Jitu Waterfall. Here is what you need to know about the legendary Mata Jitu Waterfall.
Crossing to Moyo

Moyo Island is not the easiest place to visit. From Sumbawa Besar, you need to go north to Ai Bari port. There, you can charter a boat from a fisherman to transport you to Moyo Island. The tip of the island is actually only about two kilometers away, but if you want to visit Mata Jitu, you need to go to Labuan AJi Port.

The trip from Ai Bari to Labuan Aji will take about two hours. It won’t be boring because you will be presented with the beautiful scenery of Moyo Island from the sea. This port is just the starting point of your journey in this wonderful little island.
Getting to the Waterfall

Once you arrived at the Labuan Aji port, you have two choices to get to the waterfall. The easy choice is to charter an ojek (motorcycle ride-sharing service) provided by locals. You will need 25 minutes with this option. If you have the energy and want to enjoy your journey, you can opt to walk to the waterfall. Along the way, you will enjoy peaceful hilly and savannah scenery. You will need one and a half hour on foot.
The Waterfall

The waterfall is hidden under shady trees, in the middle of a forest. This is an ancient waterfall, formed millions of years ago. The fall is not dramatic or tall if you compare it with others. However, you will be smitten by its blue water and its many cascades.

In total Mata Jitu Waterfall has four tiers and lovely seven pools. Mata Jitu in local language means a spring that falls cascading to many pools. The beauty of this waterfall is already well-known since years ago. Even the late Princess Diana visited this remote waterfall, prompting locals to also call the waterfall as ‘Queen Waterfall’.

Even though the location of the waterfall is quite remote, you can still enjoy a relatively good amenities here. Most homestays are located on the Labuan Aji’s port, meaning you have to come back to the shore if you want to rest in a good bed. Staying on the homestay by the sea also means you can leave the island easier when you decided to come back to Sumbawa.

Mata Jitu Waterfall is by a natural wonder that you can’t find anywhere else. The waterfall, even if it doesn’t drop from dramatic height, is mesmerizing in its own way. The best thing about its remote location is that you usually can enjoy the waterfall for yourself.