Tamblingan is a lake located in Munduk Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. The lake is situated very close to two other famous lakes in Bali, namely Lake Buyan and Lake Beratan. Among the three, Tamblingan Lake is the smallest in size.

Tamblingan is located on the northern slope of Mount Lesung. This lake is still in pristine condition because the community and the government take great care of it. Here are some interesting facts about Lake Tamblingan.
What’s in the name?

Tamblingan Lake has a very unique story related to its name. The story written in Lontar Kuntara Kanda Dewa Purana Bangsul tells that the term ‘tamblingan’ comes from two words: tamba means medicine, and elingang which means remember or spiritual powers.

It is said that residents around Lake Tamblingan had been attacked by a plague that was difficult to cure. A saint tried to find medicine for the villagers and he arrived at a small lake. The saint then took water from the lake and gave it to the sick population. The residents of Tamblingan got better and healed after drinking the water.
Conditions of Lake Tamblingan

The lake is guarded strictly by the surrounding community. There are four villages around this lake, and the residents in those villages were traditionally responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and cleanliness of the surrounding lakes and temples.

The four villages that are incorporated in the Desa Catur are Munduk, Gobleg, Gesing, and Umejero. One form of effort to keep the sanctity of this lake is by holding various ceremonies at temples around it.
Not developed into a tourist destination

Lake Tamblingan is deliberately not developed to attract tourists. There are no resorts or hotels that stand on the shores of the lake, there are no motorboats that can be used to explore the lake, and there are no restaurants near the lake. This is certainly very different compared to other areas in Bali. Especially considering Lake Tamblingan has a beautiful view with cool air.
Temples and Photogenic Locations

There are several temples around Lake Tamblingan. There are Pura Endek, Pura Dalem Tamblingan, Pura Sang Hyang Kawuh, Ukiran Pura Ulun Danu, Pura Gubug, Pura Embang, Candi Batulepang, Pura mengepul, Pura Loka Naga, dan Pura Tirta Mengening. The temples are very photogenic and often used for prewedding photoshoots.

Although Lake Tamblingan is not developed as a tourist spot, they still receive visitors with open arms. You can take pictures around the lake, which actually has unique panorama. The pristine natural beauty, with the background of the lake and hills, makes this place very Instagramable.

If you are interested in exploring Lake Tamblingan, you can take a tour that will take you to enjoy the natural beauty around this lake. You will cross Lake Tamblingan with a traditional boat. Then you will arrive in the forest which is also still very well preserved.

You will be trekking in this forest. Besides being able to see the natural rainforest with all its flora and fauna, you can also find a legendary old temple. The trekking tour in Tamblingan Forest will usually take two or three hours.

Tamblingan Lake and the surrounding area is not designed to be a tourist area, but that does not mean they reject the presence of tourists. Everyone will be welcome, and you can enjoy the views of the untouched lake and hills.