The struggle between the rich and the poor in Central Java is often reflected in the culinary delights from the province. The poor had to be creative to create a delicious dish from whatever leftovers they can get. However, Selat Solo might be a bit different from other dishes from the city like tengkleng and sate buntel.

For one, selat solo is actually a full-fledged beef steak with a lot of vegetables in them. Unlike a steak, selat also purposefully uses a soup that resembles semur. Some people also call this dish as bistik jawa. Here is all you need to know about selat solo, the Javanese beef steak.

This dish was straight up an aristocracy during the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. The Dutch really loves the steak, which in their language is called slachje. Since local people had difficulties pronouncing it, they just call it selat. Unlike most steaks, this one uses a lot of vegetables so in a glance it would look like a salad instead of grilled meat. It is also really beautiful because it has lots of colors.
How to make it

Selat is considered as a Javanese dish with a European influence. You will obviously need beef, onion, tomato, carrot, potato, and lettuce. The seasoning will be shallot, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, and so on. The beef is cooked with margarine, tomato, soy sauce until it’s done based on your preference. You then make the soup to be swathed to the beef.
Healthier than steak

According to some research, selat is healthier than plain steak simply because it has lots of vegetables and natural spices. The fat and cholesterol level per serving is also much lower in selat because the meat is smaller. Of course, the exact amount of nutrition will differ from one restaurant to another. For example, some restaurants serve selat with eggs and lots of potatoes while some don’t.
Where to enjoy

You can try selat solo in many big cities in Indonesia. However, if you want an authentic taste, you should go to Solo and try it in some of the most legendary restaurants there. Here are some of the places where you can enjoy delicious selat solo
- Warung Selat Mbak Lies at Jalan Veteran, Gg. 2 No.42, Serengan, Serengan, Surakarta, Central Java.
- Omah Selat at Jl. Gotong Royong No.13, Jagalan, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java.
- Selat Vien’s Pusat at Jalan Hasanudin No.99 D/E, Punggawan, Banjarsari, Surakarta, Central Java.

Selat Solo is a delicious steak with Javanese and Dutch flair. It is a popular dish in Solo, with a long history there, originating from the Dutch colonial era. You should really try this Javanese beef steak if you visit Solo.