The Sultanate of Yogyakarta is one of the few kingdoms that still exists and is recognized in Indonesia. Yogyakarta can be regarded as the largest kingdom in Indonesia today where the king also serves as governor of the province.

One simple proof of the greatness of Yogyakarta is the palace of their Sultanate which is still well-maintained today. This palace is open to the public and can be visited by everyone. Here are some facts about the Keraton Yogyakarta (Sultanate Palace of Yogyakarta).
Sultan’s residence

One interesting fact about the Keraton Yogyakarta is that this palace is still the official residence of the Sultan and his family. Of course, the Sultan and his family owned other houses but their official residence is still in this palace. That means that in some royal ceremonies, the sultan will lead the ceremony in this palace.
The Abdi Dalem

Keraton Yogyakarta, both the building and the activities held there, re cared for by the Abdi Dalem (the staffs of the Sultan). You will be able to see Abdi Dalem carrying out their duties during your visit to the Palace.
One example is the jemparingan competition (a traditional Yogyakarta archery) which is held every Tuesday Wage. Archers are required to wear traditional Javanese clothing and compete in a sitting position.
Many historical objects

This palace is comparable to a museum because it stores a lot of historical objects. In various showrooms, you will be able to find many ancient objects such as ceramics, ancient batik, gamelan, paintings, and the king’s personal collection. In the batik showroom, there is an ancient well that is basically filled with money.
Many traditional performances

If you visit the Yogyakarta Palace, you will have the opportunity to watch various art performances held every day at 9:30 a.m. If you want to enjoy gamelan music, you can come on Monday and Tuesday.
The wayang golek menak show is held on Wednesday, while dance performances are held on Thursday. Friday is the schedule for Mocopat, Saturday is for wayang kulit. Finally, Sundays are for puppets.
Location and opening hours

The Yogyakarta Palace is open for tourist visits every day from 09.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m. On Friday, tourist visits are closed at 11.00. Entrance tickets are quite cheap even for foreign tourists. This palace is located in a very strategic area, to the south of the Northern Square of Yogyakarta.

Don’t forget to prepare your camera before coming to Yogyakarta Palace. There will be many photogenic spots that you can explore, even if you only aim for selfies.