Yogyakarta has a lot of natural beauty, ranging from the magnificent Mount Merapi to the southern coastal beaches. If you plan to explore this province, you will need a very long time to be able to completely enjoy all its beauty.

Yogyakarta is also known as an area that still strongly adheres to Javanese culture. You can see the combination of natural and cultural wealth in the daily life of their people, especially in agriculture. There are many areas of agriculture that are quite beautiful and Instagramable. Here are some beautiful agricultural areas that you can find in Yogyakarta.
Kretek Shallot Field Bantul

Kretek sub-district, Bantul district, is better known as beaches such as Parangtritis, Parangkusumo, Depok, and Pelangi Beach. But if you are looking for instagenic photo spots, you should also visit the Kretek Red Onion Field.

As the name suggests, this place is indeed a farm field whose main function is indeed for planting shallots. But because this place looks neat and beautiful, many tourists use it as a photography spot. This place is located in Grogol, Kretek District, Bantul Regency.
Gendu Sugar Cane Garden

The area of this sugar cane plantations belongs to the Madukismo sugar factory. The location is on a hill with a green expanse of sugar cane. This plantation shows its utmost beauty when the sugar canes are flowering.

The green plant will be dominated by white feathery flowers. The best time to visit this place is before sunrise or sunset. The location of Gendu sugar cane garden is on Jl. Raya Kaligesing, Gendu, Kaligono, Kecamatan Purworejo, Kulon Progo Regency.
Planting rice

There are many places in Yogyakarta for you to learn about the traditional way of planting rice. Not only when planting rice, but you can also learn about the way people cultivate their land with techniques inherited from their ancestors. Usually, it is used for rice planting tourism activities that have extraordinary beautiful scenery.

You can try the thrill of planting rice on Pentingsari (Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan District, Sleman Regency), Candran (Mandingan Hamlet, Kebonagung Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency), and in Kembangarum (Donokerto Village, Turi District, Sleman Regency).

Sukorame Rice Field is a rice paddy area that has beautiful hilly views. In this rice field area, there is a kind of bridge made of bamboo that you can pass to enjoy all the beauty of this area. This place is a very instagenic destination with lots of beautiful photo spots. Sukorame Rice Field is located in Mangunan, Dlingo District, Bantul Regency.

Sometimes beauty can come from many ordinary or mundane things. Yogyakarta with all its landscape diversity has many instagenic agricultural spots.